Weird Hack: Play Pong and Snake in Super Mario World!

Recently I came across an article highlighting how someone had exploited “in game objects” to turn the classic 90’s Super Mario World game into Pong and Snake.. incredible! Essentially the game is susceptible to running arbitrary code.

Here’s a screenshot:


The original article is here and the YouTube video is embedded there also. The video is a bit slow to going, you may want to jump straight to 1min 30 to avoid waiting.

1+2+3+4+… = -1/12 ??

I’ve been geeking out on some interesting math lately, and on my travels came across this statement “1+2+3+4+… = -1/12, which on first account I thought, what is this B.S??


Well, despite the actual proof looking like mathematical “hackery” remarkably this is actually a valid solution which is justified because it appears in practice – namely in physics.

If you’re interested in the proof you can go ahead and watch it here.